Friday, September 20, 2024

Short Term Course on Research Methodology inaugurated at GNDU

Amritsar, September 12 (Punjab Post Bureau) – A One-Week Short Term Course on Research PUNJ1309201906Methodology was inaugurated at the new building of the UGC- Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) of the Guru Nanak Dev University. As many as 45 University and College teachers including budding Research Scholars pertaining to a multiplicity of academic disciplines from Punjab and other far-flung states of the country are participating in it.

 Prof. Adarsh Pal Vig, Director of the Centre welcomed all the participants and presented sapling to the Chief Guest. He also advised the participants to make a virtue out of the necessity & to put in their best to augment their knowledge, expertise during the length of the Course. He acknowledged the whole-hearted support and guidance of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Jaspal Singh Sandhu for providing new building and infrastructure for the development of FDC and HRDC programmes of the University.

            Prof. A.K Thukral, Professor Emeritus, Deptt. of Botanical & Environmental Sciences & Former Director Research, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar was the Chief Guest for the inaugural session. Tracing the arduous path traversed by the University in the last five decades since its foundation in 1969, Prof. Thukral said that it has definitely carved a niche for itself and is competing with the top ranking Universities of the world in terms of publications, citations despite facing few disadvantages like its geographical location near Indo-Pak border, financial crunch, dwindling faculty and resources etc. He exhorted the participants to face the challenges valiantly as the success can be achieved by the dint of hard work only in all the spheres. Although the advent of Computer Sciences and Information Technology has made the task of data analysis and interpretation quite easier, but one needs to be wary of excessive use of easily available software’s like SPSS, he cautioned. That the human intellect cannot be replaced by any technology needs to be remembered by all the research scholars, he emphasized. Concluding his enlightening address, he counselled the participants to derive maximum possible mileage from this Course.

            Prof. Balwinder Singh Professor Incharge (Finance & Development) of the University and the Coordinator of the Short Term Course on Research Methodology apprised the participants with the thrust area. Highlighting the significance of this discipline in the modern times for the academicians, he added that as directed by the Vice-Chancellor of GNDU, many other such workshops in this domain are in the offing under the FDC, HRDC or Centre for Data Analytics and Research (CDAR) for the benefit of the teaching fraternity as well as for the research scholars. Prof. Jaspal Singh Head University School of Financial Studies assured whole-hearted cooperation of the Department for the success of this Course. Dr. Harsandaldeep Kaur, Univ. School of Financial Studies & the Deputy Coordinator proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. Aparna Bhatia, faculty and Research Scholars of the Department also graced the occasion.




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