Sunday, January 26, 2025

GNDU Inter Zonal Youth Festival Begins

Amritsar, November 20 (Punjab Post Bureau) – The Guru Nanak Dev University Inter Zonal Youth Festival was inaugurated here today in the Dasmesh Auditorium of the University

Bhangra, Folk Song and Folk Orchestra were organized on the first day of the festival. Competitions of Classical Instrumental Perscussion and Non-Percussion, Classical Music Vocal Solo were held in the Guru Nanak Bhawan Auditorium and Painting on the Spot, Cartooning, Collage, Poster Making, Clay Modeling, On the spot Photography, Installation  were organised  in Architecture Department. The Quiz (Preliminary) was organized in the Conference Hall of the University.

Costume Parade, Mime, Skit, One Act Play will be staged in the Dasmesh Auditorium and Western Vocal Solo, Mimicry, Western Group Song, Western Instrumental Solo competitions, Geet/Gazal, Group Shabad Bhajan, Group Song Indian will be organized in the Guru Nanak Bhawan Auditorium on November 21. Architecture Department, Rangoli, Phulkari, Mehndi and in the Conference hall, competitions of Poetical Symposium, Elocution and Debate will be organized on the stage. classical dance, General Dance, & Gidha will be held in the Dasmesh Auditorium on  November 22. The prize distribution function will be held in the Dasmesh Auditorium.

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