Friday, July 26, 2024

Great need to make today’s youth aware of their history – Giani Harpreet Singh

Sri Fatehgarh Sahib, December 28 (Punjab Post Bureau) – Jathedar of Sri Akal Takht Sahib Giani Harpreet Singh

addressed the congregation at Sri Fatehgarh Sahib and said that today we are celebrating the martyrdom day of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s Sahibzadas and Mata Gujri Ji.

Giani Harpreet Singh said that we respectfully call the Sahibzadas as Babas and this title has been given to very few Sikhs. He said the Sikh community has inherited an unparalleled heritage and there is a long series of martyrdoms in its history.

“Emphasizing Sikh heritage, there is a great need for the Sikh community to be aware today’s young generation about Gurbani, history, Maryada (code of conduct), and Sikh principles”, said Giani Harpreet Singh.

He also encouraged the community to strive for unity under the guidance of its traditions, customs, and heritage.

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