Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Punjab emerges as the best Power Producing State in the Country- Majithia


Majitha, April 4 (Punjab Post Bureau)- Due to the incessant efforts carried out by the State government since the year 2007 for improvement in power supply sector, the State has today emerged as a good power producer and the power corporation has obtained A+ rating for the same, said Mr. Bikram Majithia Cabinet Minister Punjab while addressing the gathering on the occasion of laying the foundation stone of 66KV grid at village Jalalpura. The grid is to be constructed at a cost of Rs. 3.62 crore. He said that due to installation of thermal plants in the state at a cost of Rs.33 thousand crore and an approximate investment of Rs. 4400 crore in the improvement of power distribution system, Punjab has emerged as the best power producing state in the country. He said that nearly 6000 people have got an employment opportunity in this sector. He said that 24 hour power supply is being provided to all villages, towns, cities and even the deras in the State.

          He said that even in the field of renewable energy, Punjab has been the best performing state in the country and the Prime Minister of India has presented an award for the same to the State. He said that with an investment of Rs. 12000 crore in this sector there has been an increase in production of renewable energy from 9 MW to 1500 MW and the sector has extended employment to more than 10 thousand people. He said that along with incorporating improvements in the power distribution, a toll-free number 1912 has been started to troubleshoot the complaints pertaining to power supply.  He said that besides producing power at a large scale, Punjab is also leading the country in supplying free power to the farmers and since 2007 power worth Rs. 42000 crore has been given as a subsidy. Moreover, keeping in view the requirements of the farmers, government is giving 2.5 lac tube well connections.

          Talking of Majitha, the minister said that nearly Rs. 50 crore have been invested to set up grids at Wadala, NaagKalan, Dhadde, Mattewal and to upgrade the grids of Majitha, Bhangali, Kathunangal, Pakharpura and Udoke. He said that work of Jalalpua and Sohian grids would also commence soon. He said that Rs 17 crore have been spent in Majitha constituency for the improvement in power distribution and supply system. On this occasion grants worth Rs. 25 lacs were distributed for development works of the villages.

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