Amritsar/ South Korea, March 31 (Punjab Post Bureau) – Recently UNESCO Traditional Sports and Games committee leaders visited South Korea for finding the legal possibilities of hosting 5th Collective Consultation meeting of UNESCO of Traditional Sports & Games and World UNESCO Traditional Games in South Korea.
Chairman of Advisory Committee of Traditional Sports and Games UNESCO Mr. Khalil Ahmed Khan and Rapporteur Mr. Shammi Rana Advisory Committee on Traditional Sports and Games, UNESCO recently paid visit to South Korea for organizing Traditional Sports and Games in their visit they visited UNESCO Korean National office in Seoul, Korea and they had a brief meeting with Assistant Secretary-General Korean National Commission for UNESCO Mr. Kim Kwi-bae and Mr. Myoung Shim Kim Senior Program Specialist for the possible support of UNESCO project on Traditional Sports and Games.
Both leaders visit two different cities in South Korea and they were welcomed by the City Government of Gimhae and City Government of Gyeongju
The Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage meeting in Port Louis (Mauritius), has decided to engrave traditional Korean wrestling also known as Ssirum or Ssireum, on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, on the basis of a joint application by the Republic of Korea and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Traditional Korean wrestling sport— “Ssirum” in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and “Ssireum” in the Republic of Korea—has a very deep significance for all Koreans. Fundamentally linked to the land of agriculture’s, it is both a national sport and a very popular cultural practice in Korea. Competitions are regularly organized during agricultural events or festivals linked to different the cycle of the seasons
Both Leaders from UNESCO met Chairman of Ulsan Metropolitan City Mr. Hwang Se-Young, Mr. Lee Sand Member’s Parliament of Republic of Ulsan South Korea and Mr. Lee Kee-heung President of Korean Sport & Olympic Committee and discuss hosting an upcoming event in Ulsan, South Korea.
They also had a meeting with officials of Korea Halal Authority for the sponsorship for the Traditional Sports and Games, UNESCO.
This whole scenario is regarding ongoing development on the promotion of UNESCO concept on traditional sports and games and this is about member activities to promote TSG concept throughout the world, where are trying to get support from the different members states of UNESCO to build a community promoting sports in Korea.