Monday, September 16, 2024

Sh. R.K. Sethi  treasurer DAV CMC Visits DAV Public School


Amritsar, Oct. 6 (Punjab Post Bureau) – A renowned educationist and prolific writer Sh. R.K Sethi , Treasurer DAV College Managing Committee,  New Delhi today visited DAV Public School, Lawrence Road. He was given a warm welcome by the Principal, Teachers and Students of the school. He has authored many books and written many research papers on Application of Science. Sh. R.K Sethi has also written above 6000 manuscripts on Chemistry. While addressing the students during the morning assembly, he said that he was happy to see the progress of the school. He added that developing scientific temperament was very important but along with this one  should have strong faith in Vedas and imbibe the right ethical values for a rightful living. He talked about the application of Science in day to day life and wished success to the students in life.

                 Dr. Neera Sharma Principal of the school thanked Sh. RK. Sethi for taking out time and  addressing the students. She said that it was an honour for the students to be addressed by an experienced educationist of his stature.  She showed her gratitude to him for inspiring the students to adopt scientific temperament and reasoning in day to day life.


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