Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kapurthala range beats all estimates in sale of liquor quota and revenue generation amid lockdown

25% more revenue generated against the estimates till 25 July

Kapurthala, July 27 (Punjab Post Bureau) – In a rare feat, Kapurthala Excise range has beats all estimates in terms of sale of liquor quota and revenue generation with great difference of 25% at the time of lockdown due to corona virus.

          The guidance and assistance provided by the Deputy Commissioner, Deepti Uppal, SSP Satinder Singh and Ms Hardeep Bhanwra Asstt. Commissioner (Excise) shows the positive signs of revenue generation that registered hike against the estimate given by the department.

           Asstt. Commissioner (Excise) Kapurthala range has informed that 422 lakh proof liter quota of PML has been lifted against the estimated 339 lakh proof liter, which is nearby 23.89% higher than the target. On the other hand IMF L (Indian made foreign liquor) sale target was 19.33% upto 31 July, 2020 from which 18.47% has been lifted upto 25-7-2020 and similarly Beer quota target was 28.82% and 29.40% has been lifted upto 25 july.

             The range also shows significant improvement in collection of revenue Rs. 16.14 crore against the target of Rs. 12.51 crore pertains to sale of PML (Country made). Similarly IMFL Rs. 10.86 crore collected against the tartget of Rs. 10.26 crore and Sale of Beer is Rs. 2.56 crore collected against 2.54 crore target.

             Deputy Commissioner Deepti Uppal and SSP Satinder Singh said that as per the orders of Punjab Government some special teams has been deputed by Excise department for daily checking of hologram on bottles as well as sale monitoring besides action taken against the bootleggers too. It may be mentioned here that checking of hologram on bottles has assured the zero sale of duplicate brands of liquor on vends.

                Besides that teams of Daroga’s / Excise Inspectors with Excise Officers have been deputed for intensive checking of vehicles as well as checking in Mand areas on the bank of River Beas to stop illicit / Uchanti sale of liquor which could affect the sale of liquor vends which resulted in 21 FIRs lodged in district by Police and Excise Staff.


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