Thursday, January 23, 2025

BBK DAV concludes ‘Ved Prachar Saptah’ by organizing a Vedic Havan

Amritsar, September 28 (Punjab Post Bureau) – Ved Prachar Saptah at BBK DAV College for Women culminated in a Vedic Havan. Principal Dr. Pushpinder Walia and Sudarshan Kapoor, Chairman, Local Managing Committee, were the Yajmans for the Havan Yajna. During the week-long event, various competitions like Bhajan Gayan, poster making, painting, and poetry recitation were organized. A workshop on Havan Prashikshan was also organized.

While welcoming the guests, Principal Dr. Pushpinder Walia said that the college celebrates Ved Prachar Saptah every year to instill Vedic values among the students. She added that Arya Samaj teaches us the way of life and instead of ritualization, Arya Samaj’score tenets focus on the welfare and larger interest of the society. In his address Sudarshan Kapoor urged students to adopt a traditional Indian lifestyle and eating habits to lead a healthy life.

The winners of all the competitions held during the Ved Prachar Saptah were also awarded during the ceremony. Members of Arya Samaj, Col. Ved Mitter, Rakesh Mehra, Sandeep Ahuja, Sh. Anil Vinayak, AnkurSen as well as Dr. (Mrs.) Pallavi Sethi Principal DAV Public School along with students and members of staff, were also present during the event.

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