Amritsar, June (Punjab Post Bureau) – With the eternal blessings of President Arya Rattan Shri Punam Suri Ji Padam Shree DAV CMC New Delhi young innovators and mentors working in the Atal Tinkering Lab at Public DAV School Lawrence Road got the privilege to interact live through video conferencing with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Praising the concerted efforts made by the young team of Kuvam Devgan, Rachit Sharma, Rishab Aggarwal, Parth Gupta & mentor Resham Sharma for getting selected amongst the Top 30 Atal Innovators of India.PM Modi said, “Youngsters of Amritsar are talking about the idea of a smart Ann-Bhandar, for the agricultural community to minimise post-harvest grain losses. They are coming up with smart healthcare devices for the aged, this tells us how innovative Punjabi youth is! However, if we do not innovate, we will stagnate. Honourable Prime Minister shared his experiences and some lighter moments with the students and responded warmly to the student’s invitation to visit the lab soon. He was quick to assert that such young men and women should distinguish themselves in the global start-up eco-system. PM Modi said, “Startups are no longer only in big cities. Smaller towns and villages are emerging as vibrant start-up centres.” He extended hearty congratulations to the students, faculty, Principal Dr. Neera Sharma and the DAV Management Committee for promoting quality education and vocational skills through innovative avenues like Atal Tinkering Labs.
Regional Diractor Punjab Zone–A Dr. (Mrs.) Neelam Kamra expressed extreme happiness at this privilege and exhorted the students to work harder and smarter. School Manager Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Principal DAV College showered his heartfelt blessings upon the achievement made by the students and encouraged them to keep growing and be successful.
Principal of the school Dr. Neera Shama was also praises for her students on being bestowed with this great honor and wished them greater fame and glory in the future.