Saturday, January 25, 2025

GNDU and Logistics Sector Skill Council sign MoU

Will launch apprenticeship program in Agri Storage & Supply Chain

Amritsar, March 11 (Punjab Post Bureau) -To accelerate the creation of efficient Human Resources with knowledge, skill and aptitude, a MoU was signed between Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar  and Logistics Sector Skill Council (LSSC) established by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) through National Skill Development Corporation of India (NSDC). Prof. K.S Kahlon Registrar  in the presence of  Prof. Jaspal Singh Sandhu Vice Chancellor and Ravikanth Yamarthy Chief Operating Officer of LSSC signed the MoU. 

          Professor Jaspal Singh Sandhu said that The University recognizes the need to partner with industry to ensure market-responsive skill education. LSC brings the strength of a large number of relevant industry partners as well as updated market knowledge to support the program.” “The University curriculum has a strong focus on inculcating an entrepreneurial mindset amongst the students. This will further assist them in building their own ventures as well,” he said.

          This MoU will culminate into initiation of programmes namely Apprentice-based BMS Degree Programme in Agriculture storage & Supply Chain to provide rewarding career opportunities for those who want to pursue it. The programmes offer an excellent opportunity for individuals who want to study for a degree but also work alongside for a leading global brand in the supply chain industry, earning whilst learning!

          Speaking on the occasion, Logistics Sector Skill Council, Ravikanth Yamarthy said, ”We are most thankful to the Guru Nanak Dev University for embarking on this partnership and leading the way by selecting the two of the most in-demand courses in the Logistics sector. He also appreciated the efforts of University Industry linkage cell for facilitating this MoU”.”

          Dr. Preet Mohinder Singh Bedi, Director University Industry Linkage Cell said that Guru Nanak Dev University is one of the premiers few Institutes which are offering this program in collaboration with Logistics Sector Skill Council have. Prof. Hardeep Singh Dean academic Affairs also gave an overview of the university and various programs offered by the University and concluded the event with a hope that GNDU Amritsar and Logistic Skill Council can forge close times in multidisciplinary areas. On the occasion, Prof. S.S Behl OSD Prof. P.K Patti Head Department of Agriculture and other senior officials of the University and council were also present.

          It is to be noted that the Logistics Sector Skill Council (LSC) was established by the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) through the National Skill Development Corporation of India (NSDC). The program is expected to commence as part of the academic session 2022-23 from June onwards.


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