Saturday, July 27, 2024

GNDU Department of Physics wins Football Championships

Amritsar, October 17 (Punjab Post Bureau) – Guru Nanak Dev University Campus Sports organized Inter – Department Basketball championships Boys/Girls under FIT INDIA Program (Govt. of India) which were concluded in the football ground. 31 Boys and 15 Girls teams of various departments of the University participated in these championships.

Dr Amandeep Singh, Teacher In-charge, GNDU Campus Sports & Nodal Officer – GNDU Fit India Program, Govt. of India said that Deparment of Physics won both championships of girls and boys sections. He said that in girl section, University School of Financial Studies second and Department of Law got third position while in men section, Deparment of Electronics Technology secured second position and Deparment of Computer Engineering & Technology got third position.

He said that with the blessings of Vice Chancellor sir Prof (Dr.) Jaspal Singh Sandhu and under the dynamic guidance of Prof  Anish Dua, Dean Student’s Welfare of the University, these Inter-Department Football (Boys/Girls) chamipionships were concluded successfully. Dr. Kanwar Mandeep Singh, Incharge Department of Physical Education (A.T), Office of Director Sports presented trophies to the winner teams. He said that student should participate in sports activities alongwith their formal studies for their overall development.

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