Thursday, July 4, 2024

Suresh Prabhu’s Rail Budget 2016

Gunbir Singh

Amritsar, Feb 25 (Punjab Post Bureau)- The Rail Minister is a methodical and progressive person. His budget 2016 reflect his aspirations to rationalise, Innovate and modernise the railways, finding ways to generate investment without pain to the citizens pocket. Apart from the use of technology to improve the travel experience, one is delighted to note that the suggestions made By the Dilbir Foundation about waste management, greenification of rail property, and ecologically friendly systems find Adequate mention. The biotoilets, solar and wind energy usage, LED installations, waste segregation & recycling as well as Rainwater harvesting are welcome steps. Spare rail property, and space along rail lines to be used for plantations and greenification is a  Specific DF suggestion which has also been accepted.

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