Monday, July 8, 2024

Buddhist Monks & Faithful Ride to the Golden Temple

Amritsar, August 1 (Punjab Post Bureau) – Led by His Holiness Gyalwang Drupka, 200 bicyclists, including 150 women and monks, started from Kathmandu on 03 July. They reached Amritsar yesterday late evening and stayed overnight at Bhai Gurdas Hall. The group comprises of Buddhists from Bhutan, Nepal, Sikkim, Ladakh and Lahaul Spiti etc.

            Early tomorrow the group, called the 4th Eco Bicycling Buddhist Campaign, will start for their onward ride to Ladakh. This entire expedition shall take 75 days. The delegation was received at the entrance of the Golden Temple by Mr. Harcharan Singh, Chief Secretary, SGPC, who himself Accompanied His Holiness to the sanctum santoram. His Holiness wrote on the visitors book that he is truly blessed by the Gurus for having visited the Golden Temple. He said that gurdwaras along the route have been opening their doors to them and they have been overjoyed by doing seva in the Langar kitchens. The sacrifices made for the cause of humanity by the Sikh masters and the faith as depicted in the Sikh Musuem were deeply appreciated by the delegates. Gunbir Singh, President Dilbir Foundation, who facilitated the visit said that the Buddhist group felt that visiting the Harimandir was their milestone during the journey from Kathmandu to Ladakh. His Holiness was delighted to see the spirit of seva and was appreciative of the practicality and the humility of the Sikh faith.

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