Amritsar, June 9 (Punjab Post Bureau) – Under the dynamic guidance of Vice Chancellor Prof. (Dr.) Jaspal Singh Sandhu Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences of the Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar celebrated International Day for Biological Diversity in collaboration with Punjab Biodiversity Board. The event was supported by National Biodiversity Authority Govt. of India. Prof. Renu Bhardwaj Director Research GNDU was the Guest of Honour for the inaugural session of the celebrations. In her address, Prof. Renu Bhardwaj apprised participants about importance of biodiversity, threatening consequences of its destruction and methods of eco-restoration. Prof. Jatinder Kaur, Head Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences, motivated the students to adopt sustainable strategies for conservation of biodiversity since an environment with rich biodiversity is essential for supporting human life.Celebrations started with the introduction of theme of International Day for Biological Diversity-2023- “From Agreement to Action: Build Back Biodiversity” by Dr. Nitika Kapoor Coordinator of the event. She emphasized on urgent need of conservation of biodiversity by moving beyond the commitments and translating them into concrete actions to restore back biodiversity.
After the inaugural session, the event was started with expert lectures delivered by Prof. Avinash Nagpal and Prof. Satwinderjeet Kaur Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences GNDU Amritsar. Prof. Avinash Nagpal made students aware about electronic Database of Plants (eDOPS) developed by team of researchers at Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences GNDU Amritsar. eDOPS divided into three sub databases eDOTS (electronic database of trees and shrubs), eDOHP (electronic database of herbaceous plants) and eGNDUH (electronic Guru Nanak Dev University Herbarium).Prof. Satwinderjeet Kaur briefed about the latest techniques for conservation of endangered plant species in special reference to medicinal plants. She emphasized on the consciousutilization of medicinal plants as they are valuable natural resources. Expert lectures were followed by Slogan writing and potted plant competitions which were organized under the supervision of event coordinators, Dr. Astha Bhatia, Dr. Sandeep Kaur and Dr. Kritika Pandit of Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences. Students from University and various schools participated in competitions and won the cash prizes. A field visit to Botanical Garden and Museum of Guru Nanak Dev University was also organized, under the supervision of Prof. Satwinderjeet Kaur and Prof. Rajinder Kaur. At the end of day, Prof. Manpreet Singh Bhatti presented vote of thanks and Prof. Saroj Arora Department of Botanical and Environmental Sciences, Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar gave the concluding remarks.