Amritsar, 9 April ( Pujab Post Bureau)- AAP Lok Sabha candidate from Amritsar and noted eye surgeon Dr. Daljit Singh, today brushed aside Congress’s pet policy on FDI in retail and said. “It would completely weaken India and will destroy almost all of our smaller stake holders, whether they are in agricultural sector, retail, manufacture, distribution or transport, etc”. And added,“The mammoth foreign monoliths are ‘monopolists!” “They are carrying forward the colonial agenda and are modern colonists. They capture, brow-beat and subjugate local competition. India can do without such ‘investments’.”Pointedly asking his rival Capt Amarinder Singh on his party’s adamancy for FDI retail, Dr Daljit Singh inquired “Why is congress hell-bent on bringing FDI retail in India? Who is going to gain from this venture?” He further said –“It was for all to see how China is dumping its third grade products in Asian countries especially South Asia. In Pakistan, China has captured even their ‘vehicle number plating’ business. Congress should open its eyes and not take egoistic decisions that go against the mettle of the country”, he asserted.
He further added that Indians are not laggards. If we like some foreign models and patterns why can’t our local industry and enterprising top brains implement those projects in India on their own with technical help from other countries? Talking about the first to open in India – the American store ‘Walmart’ in Amritsar he asked “What is so great about ‘Walmart’?” “Could Indians not build a Walmart look-alike “Why have foreign brands become so important that we are in a tearing hurry to let them capture Indian markets and ready to throw the livelihood of crores of people and sell their stakes to foreigners. Can Indians not create brands?” The padamshri was speaking to journalists, early this morning, on his way to Vijay Nagar, one of the Amritsar’s many middle class suburbs. A busy Safai Karamchari of the area, found an unusual but ready ally today. Dr. Singh not only posed for pictures with him but took his broom and swept the streets, while the local residents and AAP workers cheered. Someone told the doctor that Anil Joshi, Local bodies Minister, Punjab was slated for a visit later. He smiled and said, “At least this once, the streets are sparkling clean, he should be pleased.” Dr Singh went from house to house and re-energized the many AAP supporters in the area. Later, sipping tea the house of an AAP supporter in Tandan Nagar, Dr. Daljit Singh quipped , “If we must have malls, our own entrepreneurs are more capable of bringing the best.” Returning his attention to rival Capt Amarinder Singh, Dr Daljit Singh reminded the ex CM about his doublespeak. “Why has the Captain picked a quarter of a century old painful issue of Op Bluestar in these elections? He is part of the same regime (Congress) that was the decision maker and inflicted the heinous ‘operation’ as well gave wind to the anti-Sikh riots.” One resident wryly interjected, “The deeds of the congressmen are as dark in contrast as their kurtas are white.”