Amritsar, 10 April (Punjab Post Bueau)- A seminar on protection of `environment and endangered species’ was organized at Khalsa College Public School (KCPS), here today. The seminar was held with association of World Wide Fund (WWF) and EcoSikh, the NGOs working for the protection of environment and rare species. Khalsa College Governing Council (KCGC) finance secretary, WFF Chairperson and EcoSikh head Gunbir Singh said that more and more species are getting endangered. “The bio-diversity and its preservation for future generations is utterly important. We need to save the endangered species’’, said Gunbir Singh. School Principal Dr.Sarvjit Kaur Brar earlier welcomed the guests and said that the fragile environment and endangered species needed to be protected and awareness like this seminar is must for creating the belongingness amongst the younger generation relating safeguarding the endangered animals. A short film was also screened about the endangered species and wild life, whch highlighted about the poaching of animals and commercial use of animal carcasses. A short quiz was also organized on the film screening in which students exhibited their keen interest. A harmonious pledge was taken by the students and the teachers under guidance of Dr.Brar. In the end an MoU was also signed between Eco-Amritsar and KCPS for keeping the city clean and green.
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