Amritsar, Dec. 2 (Punjab Post Bureau) – Kartarpur Corridor opens up possibilities of it becoming a Pathway of Peace where Nanak Naam Levaas on both sides of the subcontinental border could find spiritual solace. Pilgrimage to the Harmander Sahib (Golden temple) sees an Estimated 35 million visitors of all faiths & creeds including the Sikh Faith, of which Guru Nanak was the founder.
However, the universal message of tolerance, seva & empathy of the Guru finds favour across the religious spectrum. Guru Nanak is thus Peer Baba Nanak to the muslim faithful, Guru Nanak to Hindus & Sikhs, and also regarded as the 8th Incarnate of Buddha by the Buddhists. Guru Nanak however was a preacher of absolute Oneness & its Universality, and Thus his message is sacred to all.
At Dera Baba Nanak lies the absolutely divine robe of Guru Nanak with written texts Believed to be Quranic Verses. It is perceived that this “Chola” was presented to him by his muslim faithful upon his visit to Mecca. Alongside lies the exquisitely hand embroidered kerchief (Rumaal) presented by his Sister Bebe Nanaki to Nanak upon his betrothal. Other artifacts of significance are also displayed by the present generation of the Bedi progeny. However, despite repeated attempts by Dilbir Foundation (DF) to get all members of the family to accede to restoration & conservation, as well as esthetical display of these universal assets, one of the cousins vetos the inevitable & lets the fabric degenerate.
A common meeting even in 2014 with all four wings of the family, in the presence of the restorer, Namita Jaspal of the Heritage Atilier did not fructify into sensible process. Some of the family members have been lauding the efforts made by DF, and continue to Lend support for this endeavour by the Foundation to date. It is hoped that the present development may find favour with all members of the Bedi Clan, and they will find opportunity in allowing the restoration and display of these sacred robes to the faithful of the subcontinent.