Monday, July 8, 2024

Human Rights Day Celebrated at DAV Public School

PPN1012201506Amritsar, Dec. 10 (Punjab Post Bureau)-  DAV Public School, Lawrence Road, Amritsar observed special assembly to commemorate Human Rights Day. On this day in 1948, the United Nation’s General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of  Human Rights  Day. The day is celebrated to improve the physical , social , cultural and spiritual well being and welfare of the vulnerable group of people globally. The students presented a role – play highlighting the issue of lack of awareness among the illiterate and the poor about their basic rights and how they are repressed  by the powerful for their selfish motives. The students made it loud and clear through their effective performance that to deny people their human rights is to challenge humanity. In  the end the students pledged to support the rights of the people and spread awareness about it through education.

Regional Director, Amritsar zone, Dr.(Mrs.)Neelam Kamra , Principal BBK DAV College for Women, Lawrence Road, Amritsar and the Manager of the school, Dr.Rajesh Kumar , Principal DAV College , Hathi Gate , Amritsar asked the students to be aware of their rights as well as duties and be englightened citizens of the country.

Dr.Neera Sharma , Principal of the school advised the students to initiate the change they want to see in the world. She added that education and knowledge is  the power that makes a man unfit to be a slave. So, she asked them to be aware of their rights and use them in  a positive way.

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